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Backups API

All URIs are relative to http://localhost:1000

MethodHTTP requestDescription
backupsCreateNewBackupPOST /backups/create/backups/create [POST]
backupsCreateNewBackupStreamedPOST /backups/create/streamed/backups/create/streamed [POST]
backupsDeleteSpecificBackupPOST /backups/{backup}/delete/backups/{backup}/delete [POST]
backupsSnapshotGET /backups/backups [GET]


Backup backupsCreateNewBackup()

This take a local database and ensure that it is backed up to the cloud.


import * as Pieces from ''

const configuration = Pieces.Configuration()
const apiInstance = new Pieces.BackupsApi(configuration)

const body: Pieces.BackupsCreateNewBackupRequest = {
// SeededBackup (optional)
seededBackup: ,

apiInstance.backupsCreateNewBackup(body).then((data: Backup) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data)
}).catch((error: unknown) => console.error(error))



Return type​


HTTP request headers​

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json, text/plain

HTTP response details​

Status codeDescriptionResponse headers
500Internal Server Error-
511Authentication Required, This means that you user needs to be authenticated with OS in order to perform this action-
505HTTP Version Not Supported, This means that your user needs to update their local os, or they cannot perform backup operations with the cloud-


BackupStreamedProgress backupsCreateNewBackupStreamed()

This take a local database and ensure that it is backed up to the cloud. NOTE: This is a streamed version of the /backups/create. and Since the Generator is unable to generate a streamed endpoint. this is a place holder, and will need to be implemented isolated from the code generator.


import * as Pieces from ''

const configuration = Pieces.Configuration()
const apiInstance = new Pieces.BackupsApi(configuration)

const body: Pieces.BackupsCreateNewBackupStreamedRequest = {
// SeededBackup (optional)
seededBackup: ,

apiInstance.backupsCreateNewBackupStreamed(body).then((data: BackupStreamedProgress) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data)
}).catch((error: unknown) => console.error(error))



Return type​


HTTP request headers​

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json, text/plain

HTTP response details​

Status codeDescriptionResponse headers
500Internal Server Error-
511Authentication Required, This means that you user needs to be authenticated with OS in order to perform this action-
505HTTP Version Not Supported, This means that your user needs to update their local os, or they cannot perform backup operation with the cloud-



This will delete a specific backup from the cloud.


import * as Pieces from ''

const configuration = Pieces.Configuration()
const apiInstance = new Pieces.BackupsApi(configuration)

const body: Pieces.BackupsDeleteSpecificBackupRequest = {
// string | This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific backup.(version_timestamp)
backup: backup_example,
// Backup (optional)
backup2: ,

apiInstance.backupsDeleteSpecificBackup(body).then((data: void (empty response body)) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data)
}).catch((error: unknown) => console.error(error))


backup[string]This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific backup.(version_timestamp)defaults to undefined

Return type​

void (empty response body)

HTTP request headers​

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: text/plain

HTTP response details​

Status codeDescriptionResponse headers
204No Content-
500Internal Server Error-
511Authentication Required, This means that you user needs to be authenticated with OS in order to perform this action-
505HTTP Version Not Supported, This means that your user needs to update their local os, or they cannot perform backup operation with the cloud-


Backups backupsSnapshot()

This will get a snapshot of Backsup within the cloud. This endpoint requires our user to be authenticated and connected to the cloud.


import * as Pieces from ''

const configuration = Pieces.Configuration()
const apiInstance = new Pieces.BackupsApi(configuration)

apiInstance.backupsSnapshot().then((data: Backups) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data)
}).catch((error: unknown) => console.error(error))


This endpoint does not need any parameters.

Return type​


HTTP request headers​

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, text/plain

HTTP response details​

Status codeDescriptionResponse headers
500Internal Server Error-
511Authentication Required, This means that you user needs to be authenticated with OS in order to perform this action-
505HTTP Version Not Supported, This means that your user needs to update their local os, or they cannot perform backup operations with the cloud-