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Range API

All URIs are relative to http://localhost:1000

MethodHTTP requestDescription
rangeAssociateConversationGroundingTemporalRangeWorkstreamsPOST /range/{range}/conversations/grounding/temporal_range/workstreams/associate/{conversation}/range/{range}/conversations/grounding/temporal_range/workstreams/associate/{conversation} [POST]
rangeAssociateWorkstreamSummaryPOST /range/{range}/workstream_summaries/associate/{workstream_summary}/range/{range}/workstream_summaries/associate/{workstream_summary} [POST]
rangeDisassociateConversationGroundingTemporalRangeWorkstreamsPOST /range/{range}/conversations/grounding/temporal_range/workstreams/disassociate/{conversation}/range/{range}/conversations/grounding/temporal_range/workstreams/disassociate/{conversation} [POST]
rangeDisassociateWorkstreamSummaryPOST /range/{range}/workstream_summaries/disassociate/{workstream_summary}/range/{range}/workstream_summaries/disassociate/{workstream_summary} [POST]
rangeScoresIncrementPOST /range/{range}/scores/increment'/range/{range}/scores/increment' [POST]
rangeUpdatePOST /range/update/range/update [POST]
rangesSpecificRangeSnapshotGET /range/{range}/range/{range} [GET]



This will associate a range with a conversation(grounding.temporal.workstreams). This will do the same thing as the conversation equivalent.


import * as Pieces from ''

const configuration = Pieces.Configuration()
const apiInstance = new Pieces.RangeApi(configuration)

const body: Pieces.RangeAssociateConversationGroundingTemporalRangeWorkstreamsRequest = {
// string | This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific range.
range: range_example,
// string | This is the uuid of a conversation.
conversation: conversation_example,

apiInstance.rangeAssociateConversationGroundingTemporalRangeWorkstreams(body).then((data: void (empty response body)) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data)
}).catch((error: unknown) => console.error(error))


range[string]This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific range.defaults to undefined
conversation[string]This is the uuid of a conversation.defaults to undefined

Return type​

void (empty response body)

HTTP request headers​

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain

HTTP response details​

Status codeDescriptionResponse headers
204No Content-
500Internal Server Error-



This will associate a range with a workstream summary. This will do the same thing as the workstreamSummary equivalent.


import * as Pieces from ''

const configuration = Pieces.Configuration()
const apiInstance = new Pieces.RangeApi(configuration)

const body: Pieces.RangeAssociateWorkstreamSummaryRequest = {
// string | This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific range.
range: range_example,
// string | This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific workstream_summary.
workstreamSummary: workstreamSummary_example,

apiInstance.rangeAssociateWorkstreamSummary(body).then((data: void (empty response body)) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data)
}).catch((error: unknown) => console.error(error))


range[string]This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific range.defaults to undefined
workstreamSummary[string]This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific workstream_summary.defaults to undefined

Return type​

void (empty response body)

HTTP request headers​

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain

HTTP response details​

Status codeDescriptionResponse headers
204No Content-
500Internal Server Error-



This will enable us to disassociate a range from a conversation(grounding.temporal.workstreams). This will do the same thing as the conversation equivalent.


import * as Pieces from ''

const configuration = Pieces.Configuration()
const apiInstance = new Pieces.RangeApi(configuration)

const body: Pieces.RangeDisassociateConversationGroundingTemporalRangeWorkstreamsRequest = {
// string | This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific range.
range: range_example,
// string | This is the uuid of a conversation.
conversation: conversation_example,

apiInstance.rangeDisassociateConversationGroundingTemporalRangeWorkstreams(body).then((data: void (empty response body)) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data)
}).catch((error: unknown) => console.error(error))


range[string]This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific range.defaults to undefined
conversation[string]This is the uuid of a conversation.defaults to undefined

Return type​

void (empty response body)

HTTP request headers​

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain

HTTP response details​

Status codeDescriptionResponse headers
204No Content-
500Internal Server Error-



This will enable us to disassociate a range from a workstream summary. This will do the same thing as the workstreamSummary equivalent.


import * as Pieces from ''

const configuration = Pieces.Configuration()
const apiInstance = new Pieces.RangeApi(configuration)

const body: Pieces.RangeDisassociateWorkstreamSummaryRequest = {
// string | This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific range.
range: range_example,
// string | This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific workstream_summary.
workstreamSummary: workstreamSummary_example,

apiInstance.rangeDisassociateWorkstreamSummary(body).then((data: void (empty response body)) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data)
}).catch((error: unknown) => console.error(error))


range[string]This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific range.defaults to undefined
workstreamSummary[string]This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific workstream_summary.defaults to undefined

Return type​

void (empty response body)

HTTP request headers​

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain

HTTP response details​

Status codeDescriptionResponse headers
204No Content-
500Internal Server Error-



This will take in a SeededScoreIncrement and will increment the material relative to the incoming body.


import * as Pieces from ''

const configuration = Pieces.Configuration()
const apiInstance = new Pieces.RangeApi(configuration)

const body: Pieces.RangeScoresIncrementRequest = {
// string | This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific range.
range: range_example,
// SeededScoreIncrement (optional)
seededScoreIncrement: ,

apiInstance.rangeScoresIncrement(body).then((data: void (empty response body)) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data)
}).catch((error: unknown) => console.error(error))


range[string]This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific range.defaults to undefined

Return type​

void (empty response body)

HTTP request headers​

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: text/plain

HTTP response details​

Status codeDescriptionResponse headers
204No Content-
500Internal Server Error-


Range rangeUpdate()

This will update a specific range.


import * as Pieces from ''

const configuration = Pieces.Configuration()
const apiInstance = new Pieces.RangeApi(configuration)

const body: Pieces.RangeUpdateRequest = {
// Range (optional)
range: ,

apiInstance.rangeUpdate(body).then((data: Range) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data)
}).catch((error: unknown) => console.error(error))



Return type​


HTTP request headers​

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json, text/plain

HTTP response details​

Status codeDescriptionResponse headers
500Internal Server Error-


Range rangesSpecificRangeSnapshot()

This will get a snapshot of a single range.


import * as Pieces from ''

const configuration = Pieces.Configuration()
const apiInstance = new Pieces.RangeApi(configuration)

const body: Pieces.RangesSpecificRangeSnapshotRequest = {
// string | This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific range.
range: range_example,

apiInstance.rangesSpecificRangeSnapshot(body).then((data: Range) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data)
}).catch((error: unknown) => console.error(error))


range[string]This is a identifier that is used to identify a specific range.defaults to undefined

Return type​


HTTP request headers​

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, text/plain

HTTP response details​

Status codeDescriptionResponse headers
410Range not found.-