This is a Shadow Activity event: This is used to for 2 collections the internal Shadow Activity collection and the Shadow Activity Collection. The Internal Shadow Activity will me just a massive growing and shrinkling persisted list activity event that will endup getting rolled up into Workstream summaries. When we roll up the internalWorkstreamEvent events we will do a ton of filtering and only take the highly relevant events and turn them into WorkstreamEvent (these will be used to create a reference to the workstream summary, so we can know what event were used to generate the summary and vise versa). A Shadow Activity model is a collection of a ton of small interactions with the plugins (copy/paste/file open/file close/tab changed/...etc events) that will also enable use to know what materials are being used to funnel them into our engine to show highly relevant data according to your given flow.
Name | Type |
schema | EmbeddedModelSchema |
id | string |
score | Score |
application | Application |
created | GroupedTimestamp |
updated | GroupedTimestamp |
trigger | WorkstreamEventTrigger |
metadata | WorkstreamEventTriggerMetadata |
summaries | FlattenedWorkstreamSummaries |