PiecesOS | Manual Installation

Find standalone download links for PieceOS that match your system’s operating system (OS) or architecture, or download PiecesOS automatically with the Pieces Desktop App.

Installing PiecesOS

To get started, you’ll need to make sure your device is compatible with Pieces and has the minimum device recommendations.

System Requirements

For macOS, Windows, and Linux devices, we recommend meeting these minimum device specifications:



Additional Information

Any modern CPU

A multi-core CPU

PiecesOS supports multithreading for different operations and processes, making it faster the more CPU cores it can use.

8GB of RAM

16GB+ of RAM

At least 1GB of free RAM if running in cloud mode, or 2GB if running in local mode.

6GB of storage space

10GB+ of storage space

At least 2GB for PiecesOS and the Pieces Desktop App with at least 4GB of free space for LTM data.

PiecesOS and the Pieces Desktop App are lightweight, but you want to ensure you’ve got at least the above specifications to ensure a seamless user experience.

Checking OS Version

PiecesOS is designed for macOS, Windows, and Linux, so you have the power of Pieces are your fingertips regardless of your device’s operating system.

For Linux users, please note that PiecesOS is tested and currently compatible with Ubuntu 22+ and other Ubuntu-based distributions only.

Still, you need to be running a minimum version of that OS to ensure compatibility.




macOS 12.0 (Monterey) or higher

Windows 10 (v.1809) or higher

Ubuntu 22+

If you need help determining your device’s OS version or system specifications, read this documentation on the Troubleshooting page.

Why Install PiecesOS Manually?

PiecesOS is installed by default when installing the Pieces Desktop App as a core dependency, but it can be installed manually for use with a Pieces plugin or extension if you’re not ready to dive into the entire Pieces ecosystem.

LTM, Pieces Drive, and Pieces Copilot will still be available to you.

Installing via Pieces Desktop App

If you want to install PiecesOS automatically alongside the Pieces Desktop App, you can check out these installation guides.

Manual Download & Installation

There are different ways to install PiecesOS as a standalone entity, separate from the Pieces Desktop App.

To install, download the appropriate link for your device’s OS and architecture (if using a macOS device) and open the file, then walk through the guided installation steps as necessary.



Installing via Homebrew
Installing via Homebrew

You can also install PiecesOS manually using Homebrew from your device’s terminal.

To do so:

  1. Ensure Homebrew is installed on your system.

  2. Run brew install --cask pieces-os in your terminal to install the Pieces brew package.


There are (2) requirements that must be met to download and install PiecesOS on your Linux device.

  1. Snap Support: Ensure snapd is installed and enabled on your system. Most recent Ubuntu releases include snapd by default. If needed, install snapd by following official snapd documentation.

  2. Administrator Access: You’ll need sudo privileges to install snap packages.

Download — Linux
Download — Linux

Ubuntu 22+ required.

Run these commands in order to install and properly set up PiecesOS.

  1. Open Terminal: Open the Command-Line Interface (CLI) using ctrl+alt+t.

  2. Run sudo snap install pieces-os to install PiecesOS. You will be prompted to enter your local account’s password.

  3. Enter and run sudo snap connect pieces-os:process-control :process-control to enable offline and on-device machine learning and LLM functionality.

  4. To launch the PiecesOS, type pieces-os in your terminal and press enter.

Uninstalling PiecesOS

Select your operating system below to platform-specific steps to uninstalling PiecesOS.

On macOS Devices

On your macOS device, navigate to Finder, then select Applications.

Scroll or search until you find PiecesOS. Right-click on these two applications and select Move to Trash.


If you’re experiencing issues related to the manual installation of PiecesOS, see the troubleshooting guide for quick fixes or access the support page for helpful resources.

Want to install PiecesOS automatically with the Pieces Desktop App? Click here.

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